Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Broomstick Crochet Workshop

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Broomstick Crochet Workshop

Knitters Attic will host a Broomstick Crochet Workshop featuring the Broomstick Crochet set featured in December'09 Crochet World magazine. The class will be facilitated by Angela Best crochet designer. Write to us at info@knittersattic.com for more information.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Knitters Attic Anniversary

Well it is that time again. Knitters Attic will be celebrating two years in the business. Not bad for a girl with a Social Work background. But, I had a lot of help. Many creative and hard working people who lent their time and efforts to make Knitters Attic a happening place. My grandson does his best too. He tells anyone who will listen that his gramma has a knitting store on Yonge Street.
Come by and visit us, we have yarns from all parts of the world, and so are our customers. Each customer bringing a unique story about knitting,from the way they hold their needles or yarn.
Come visit us...see what we have to share.